How to get blogger or blogspot ranking high in any search engine?That's what this how to is all about. It's important to rank well to get targeted search engine traffic. You will have more readers and more cash in your pocket if you plan to monetize your blog.
Things You'll Need:
- Blogger Account
- Google Adwords Tool
- Time
- Patience
- Determination
This ehow is about getting your blogger or blogspot ranking high in any search engine. It assumes you already have an account with blogger. If you don't, sign up with them. It's fast and easy.
Do your research before you type in what the url of your blog should be.
Decide on what subject or subjects to blog about. Then you will have to find the right keywords for these subjects.
Use the google adwords tool to find the right keywords. Keywords is a combination of 2 or more words that search engines to rank your blog.
Type the subject you want to write about in the box which says "enter one keyword or phrase per line".
See what keywords are there and focus on the ones which have higher traffic. Click on the global search volume column so that the keywords with higher traffic are at the top.
The next step is to see how much competition there is for that particular keyword. Open up google search or another major search engine page in a new tab of your browser. Type in the keywords in quotes. Note the number of sites available for that keyword. This is your competition. You want to choose keywords with the highest demand and lowest competition.
If there is too much competition, then go back to your google adwords result and use the next keyword which has search volume. Place that in the search engine and see what the competition is. Continue doing so until you find the right keywords for your subject with low competition.
It's very possible that the subject you want to blog about has keywords in which the competition is too high. You are not able to find keywords with high search volume and low competition.
In this case you will have to use long tail keyword to get your foot in the door of the first page of search results. For example, if I wanted to blog about making money online and noticed the competition is too high for those keywords. In that case I would create a long tail keyword by using those keywords and adding 1 or more keywords to the end of the phrase. I could use make money online now, make money online easy, or make money online with adsense. The secret is finding words to keep your phrase as short as possible while keeping competition low and demand high. You will have to try many keywords. There are also free and paid keyword tools on the internet to help you find that perfect keyword phrase.
After keyword selection is complete, keyword placement and keyword density can be worked on. Place your keywords in your url, title page, first post title, and in the first sentence of the first post of your blog. For each page of your blog you will have to keep the keyword density at 2%-4%. This means if on one page of your blog you have 400 words, the main keywords should be repeated 8 - 16 times. Don't over use your keyword or search engines will consider it spam.
Ideally you should have several pages of your blog already built up before publishing. The more word count for each page the better. 400 or more word count per page is ideal. 1000 word count per page is excellent.
Then work on backlinks. These are links which point to your website and your website does not point back to them. They are also called inbound links or one way links. Ideally your content should be so good that people will naturally begin to link to your site and you will rank high without doing much.
Often the process needs help getting jump-started. Pick popular sites where links can be created to point back to your sites. Article sites are often the best choice in this area. Some article sites allow you to put links and some forbid it. It's best to write a short amount of content on these site and have them point back to your site. Don't put your best material on other sites! The best article sites which allow one to put links and not write too much material are listed in the resources section.
Continue building inbound links slowly and steadily using social sites, book-marking sites, article sites, directories, blogging sites and commenting on other blogs.
Sign up for google analytics to determine who is visiting your site, why are they there, and where did they come from. Use this information to tweak your blog for maximum visitors. Analytics is free but will take a while understanding.
Continue making long posts with your main keywords and keyword density in mind. Do this on a regularly basis. Not more than 1 post a day and Not less than 1 post a month. Continue building backlinks and tweaking your site. These 3 things will slowly but surely lead you to the fist page of any search engine.
Important Tips:
Slow and steady will help you get to the first page of any search engine.
Work on inbound links each day but don't over do it. 1 - 10 links per day is fine.
Also use alternate keywords in your blog. They will support your main keyword.
Don't put too many inbound links too quickly. Search engines will see this as not being natural and put you lower in the rankings.
Don't excessively use alternate keyword as they may become your main keywords! Only repeat them once or twice per page.
When commenting on other blogs, genuinely read one or more of their posts and be a contributing member before posting your link. Otherwise your post can easily be construed as spam.
SEO stands for search engine optimization. Writing SEO articles for the web is easy, after you know certain strategies to make them SEO friendly. Learn how you can write SEO articles for the web and increase traffic to your web site.
Step 1
Learn what SEO does. Search engine optimization increases the traffic to a web site by moving the site up the ranks within a search engine. The higher a web site ranks in the results from a search engine, the more likely a user will visit that web site.
Step 2
Decide on the topic and direction you would like to write about. Do not worry about the title. A title can be given after an article is complete.
Step 3
Don't overthink. People begin writing SEO articles and think they have to make it completely perfect. You will be able to create a lot of perfect articles in the future. Right now you need to get started and practice.
Step 4
Place your keywords within your article. Make them work within the sentences. Do not put too many SEO keywords within your article or it will look as though that is your main mission in writing this article.
Step 5
Correct all the grammatical mistakes you can. Insert more information that may be relevant to your SEO article or remove any information that you think is not suitable for your SEO article. Go through everything in a detailed manner.
Step 6
Re-edit your work. Make sure you look over your work as much as possible. If you are working for someone, you do not want to appear to be sloppy in your spelling and grammar.
More Advise on this topic will follow upon feedback ^_^
While Search Engine Optimization (SEO) campaigns can consume considerable resources, there are several simple steps that everyone can take to improve their Website’s organic ranking.
Things You'll Need:
- Website
- Way to edit the Website
Step 1
Many people regard Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as something you do to a Website after it has been created. However, many of the recommendations that follow could easily be described as best practices for Website content, links and pages. In fact, many of the factors that Google and other search engines use to determine page rank came from fields very different from search engine technology. For example, screen readers for the blind look for picture descriptions designated by an ALT tag. So by adding ALT descriptions to all of you Website images, you are improving the handicapped accessibility of your Website, in addition to improving your search engine ranking.
So, the first step in simplifying SEO is to change your thinking from optimizing an existing Website, to creating an optimized Website from the ground up by following simple best practice rules for Website content, links and pages. And then, continue following these rules as content is updated and as your Website evolves over time.
Step 2
By using appropriate and descriptive file names for your Website images along with using good Alt text, you can provide search engines with more information about the content of pages on your Website and improve your organic ranking. For example naming a picture “coke-bottle-ring-CBR12.jpg” is better than just “CBR12.jpg” for the picture name. Also, whenever possible include descriptive ALT text of the images used on a Website (e.g. “Amy Artist in her Workshop” versus just “Amy”).
This Google Webmaster Help article describes Google’s guidelines for using and publishing images, including the role of picture names and Alt text (NOTE: A live link to this article is included in the Resources Section):
Step 3
By making use of TITLE and DESCRIPTION Meta tags, Webmasters can influence the content of the title and summary (a.k.a. Snippet) that is used for their Website page in Google Search Results. These tags also give Webmasters another opportunity to include keywords that reinforce the theme content of a Web page.
This Google Webmaster Help article describes how to change a Website page Title and
Description and consequently the search results snippet:
Step 4
Rich media content (such as Flash, Silverlight and videos) is becoming more popular on Websites everywhere. However, search engines can have difficulty finding and interpreting text and links embedded in rich media, meaning that your Website may not get credit for this content and your organic ranking will suffer. Most search engine robots are much more effective at crawling and indexing Website text than rich media content and they can have difficulty navigating dynamically generated web pages or deciphering page links contained in rich media content.
This Google Webmaster Help article provides suggestions for reducing the impact of using Flash and other rich media files on your Website:
Step 5
Search Engines prefer a Website URL structure that is as simple as possible, and one that is intelligible to human beings (i.e. with readable words). So when choosing a domain name attempt to incorporate words that describe the purpose of your business. For example, a business that does printing would benefit from a domain name that incorporates the word “print”. Also, a Web page URL that ends with about-us, products, company, services, or product-support will be more favorably regarded than a Web page URL that ends with page1, id2, node3 or x4yz. Furthermore, consider using punctuation to separate words in your URLs, some search engines prefer hyphens “-” to underscores “_” (for example use: “red-coat” instead of “redcoat” or “red_coat”).
In addition to the benefit in search engine ranking, by using keywords in your URL structure, you will make it possible for users to type in your domain name or Web page URL from memory and more easily create links to your Website content.
This Google Webmaster Help article has several tips on improving a Website’s URL structure:
Step 6
Search engine rankings can be influenced by more than a hundred individual factors, and the factors used along with their relative weighting can change (and often do change) from one day to the next but, it is widely recognized that two factors always figure prominently in determining page rank:
1. High Quality/Unique/Fresh Content
2. Inbound Links from “reputable” Websites
Please note that the quality of inbound links (determined by a Website’s reputation) is far more important than the quantity of inbound links. When Website A has a link to content on Website B, Website A is in effect using (or risking) its reputation to endorse Website B. Conversely, note that by having a link in your Website to a page on another Website you are using your Website’s “reputation” to endorse the content on the page where your link is directed. Although the definition of a “reputable” Website will vary by source, popular media outlets such as The New York Times and The Washington Post are generally regarded to be highly reputable Websites.
While creating high quality unique content that is updated frequently will require a considerable commitment of resources, you will reap benefits that include more frequent visits from users and a higher probability that others will want to place links on their Website to your content, in addition to improving search engine rankings. The other long-term high resource commitment to search engine ranking is to establish relationships (and page links) with other like minded Webmasters and their relevantly themed Websites. Obviously linking to direct competitors is not something that anyone would recommend, yet links to or from Websites not relevant to your users will most likely not be used and would provide only questionable benefit to your search engine rankings. Needless to say, a link building campaign will not be quick or easy.
Step 7
If you feel like you are ready a more advanced exploration of Search Engine Optimization, a good resource to start with is “Google’s Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide” document which can be downloaded from the Google Webmaster Help article on Search Engine Optimization:
The Google Webmaster Help articles titled “Webmaster guidelines” and “Google-friendly sites” are also excellent references:
Many people start websites for fun, but if a site becomes wildly popular there are several reasons why a webmaster should consider changing it to a paid site. With more web traffic comes more costs: You are charged for the amount of bandwidth used (the number of bytes that visitors download when they visit your site). Also, if you find yourself spending hours each day maintaining the site and answering requests, it can become more like a full- or part-time job.
Things You'll Need:
- Merchant payment account
- Member services provider
Step 1
Open a merchant account that can be integrated into your website. These are called "gateways" and allow your web visitors to process credit card and check payments online. You can either use PayPal, which offers both a full online merchant account and a simple web-based shopping cart solution, or sign up with a company like that offers gateway merchant accounts that can be integrated with your site.
Step 2
Open an account with a member services provider. Sites such as and (website access manager) allow you to set up your website pages with member login screens. You can choose either password protecting all of your website pages or just a certain segment of your site.
Step 3
Pay for the service and log in to your account. Answer the service provider questions: You will be asked for the URL of the page that you want users to be sent to when they log in (also called the "successful login page") and payment information. Configure user payment options for either a regular subscription or a one-time fee.
Step 4
Paste the code provided by the member services provider into each page of your website that you want users to pay to see. Upload your website files to your web hosting server.
Step 5
Test the site by checking the URL of each protected page. Each such page should default to the login page and ask users to register. For registration to be completed, the user will need to enter payment information.
Never have there been faster choices available for home Internet connections. Cable companies began making inroads in the early 2000s by offering home broadband connections to their customers. Some businesses are now offering T1 connections, once the sole domain of Internet-heavy businesses, to the home consumer. But which one is the right one for you?
Basic Definitions
- Both cable and T1 connections are considered broadband. The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) defines a broadband connection as anything achieving data rates of over 200K, or kilobytes per second. The top speed attainable on a dial-up connection is 56K.
- Cable connections are sold through the major cable companies. They have various packages available, usually priced by the connection speed. These range from an average home package, which usually runs at about 2MB/sec to a business package that can give you downloads of up to 50MB/sec.
- A T1 connection is a fixed internet connections between your location and your Internet provider. It maintains a fixed data rate of 1.544Mbit/sec downloading and uploading.
Advantages of Cable
- One of the major advantages of cable is that it is inexpensive and you can get a package that suits your connection needs. Sometimes, you can get a bargain by combining it with other cable packages from different providers. The connections are also fairly simple to set up and maintain.
Advantages of T1 Lines
- The major advantage of a T1 line is that it is your own connection. You don't share the line with anyone (more on that later). Also, since you're not part of a larger network of customers, you won't be subject to network outages while your company is upgrading some other part of their network.
Disadvantages of Cable
- When you sign on to a cable network, that's exactly what you become---part of a network. You're essentially sharing that broadband connection with your immediate neighbors. If a lot of people get on the network at the same time, this will affect your connection speed. It's also easier for hackers to be able to peer into your traffic and see exactly what you're up to.
Disadvantages of a T1 Line
- A T1 line will cost you more than the typical broadband connection. They will also require more maintenance and upkeep.
The first thing that many people think of when they hear the word “wiki” is Wikipedia. Even though Wikipedia has grown to become one of the largest websites on the internet, it actually started out being very tiny. It’s only through collaboration and teamwork that projects such as these can grow to become something awesome – maybe even a multi-million article resource! So how exactly can you grow something from a small one man project to a huge community of hardworking people?
Social bookmarking is a must to maintain backlinks and also to get more people to come to your website.
Step 1
Begin adding content to the wiki you are building. It’s not possible to grow a community when there is no content there to grow upon. What would people edit if there is no content? Even though it may seem like you are all alone adding content, just keep it up. People will eventually join you in your venture.
Step 2
Be open to allowing anonymous (anons) to edit your wiki. Some wikis choose to allow only registered users – people who have created an account – add content to their wiki. You will be turning many great people away by doing this, and possibly losing some great contributors.
Step 3
Don’t “protect” too many pages from editing. Often times certain articles will fall victim to what is called vandalism – where people add content that is not appropriate for the article. Your first instinct may be just to protect the page so nobody else can edit it; however, this will again turn away many potentially great contributors.
Step 4
Welcome people as soon as they have made their first edit on the wiki. If people begin editing a wiki and they see no sign of life, other activity, or any sign of a welcome or thank you message, they are going to lose interest. You need to make sure people are very welcome at the wiki.
Step 5
Thank people all the time for the edits they are making. People who edit wikis are doing this on their own freewill. Nobody gets paid to write for a wiki, so people are basically donating their time and skills for the sake of the wiki. You can’t thank someone too much!
Step 6
Be patient. Your wiki will not develop into something huge overnight. Everything takes time, and you will have to experiment and try out different techniques; see what works for you and your wiki.
Be sure to market your wiki in all the social groups and forums to gain even more exposure ^_^

A really simple syndication feed or RSS is an internet format that makes web content easily available to people. It is a very easy way to get your content out to the masses without them having to come to your website everyday. RSS is a little database with headlines and short descriptions or summaries of your web content with a hyperlink to the full story. Setting up RSS feeds and adding them to your website can be a simple process that does not involve a lot of time or any money. Listed below are some simple and basic steps that you might want to follow.
Step 1
Use XML or other format that can be used in an RSS feed.
Step 2
An RSS feed is usually designated by an little orange square. Click on the icon and write down the URL or web address of the RSS feed as it is displayed in the address bar of your internet browser.
Step 3
Type the feed URL from step 2 into an RSS feed creation program. You can do a search on the web for a program and pick your favorite.
Step 4
Click on the "Generate Feed" button. This will generate the RSS code for your web content.
Step 5
Enter the RSS code in the appropriate place on your own website.
Its a good idea to attract readers and it also puts your site in listings that you haven't registered it to :)

Don't throw out that old laptop, you could be sitting on a couple hundred bucks! Marketed right, (and honestly) your old laptop could fetch you some dough on eBay.
Things You'll Need:
- Internet Connection
- An eBay Account
Step 1
The lightings not perfect, but it works.
Ok, I'm not sure if this is the correct term but it what I call the photos you see on or You know the ones I'm talking about right? Lid open, screen on, white backdrop, side views and lots of accessories.
Manufacturer and marketers spend tons of money, time and effort researching why people buy and have found that products sell best if they are showcased in a certain way. So why not use their tactics to sell yours?
Take at least
1. 1 Shot with everything included in the auction in the picture & the laptop open and powered on
2. 1 Shot of the accessories alone
3. 1 close up of the keyboard and screen
Step 2
Nothing bugs me more than dishonest sellers. Be honest about your product, if it has a big scratch on the case say so. If the keys stick, tell them about it.
I sold a laptop on eBay in 2007 with a screen that would not stay open on it's own, flicked on and off and had zero battery life. This thing was old and beat up (circa 2002). And I stated so in the auction, even took pictures and Photoshop'd arrows showing the damage.
I got $150 for it!
Step 3
Hop on eBay and scope out what others are doing, and most importantly which ones are getting bid on. I've provided a link below that will take you directly to the search results for "laptops" on eBay.
Step 4
Find out the exact make and model of the laptop. Go to the manufacturers website and copy/paste your laptops current configuration into the listing. (Trust me on this one) Chances are that the buyer is going to be an enthusiast who is going to part it out or fix it up.
More advise about selling stuff on Ebay will be available shortly :) till then don't forget to leave a comment :)
Posting article link to social web site such as Myspace, Facebook, or Twitter can help increase traffic to your article. Making a blog with your article links and Google AdSense is a great way to make more money if you can find traffic to go to your blog. Even better, how about making more money as put the news out about your new articles with out find your own traffic?

Now you can with She Told Me. She Told Me allows you to post your article description and link. On your post will be ads and the link to your article. You will earn money off the ads and increase the traffic to your articles.
Things You'll Need:
- Computer
- Google AdSense
- eMail
Step 1
Go to She Told Me. Look for the link in the resource section. Sign up for a free account. Fill in the necessary information including your Google AdSense number. If you don't have an Google AdSense number go to and sign up for a free account.
Step 2
Go to your email and click on the conformation link in your email from She Told Me.
Step 3
Sign into your She Told Me account.
Step 4
On the right hand side of the screen, under Welcome, is an Add a link/Publish Story. Click on the Add a link/Publish Story link.
Step 5
Fill in the required information. You will need the URL Address, 200 charter description, and keywords. Select and category and click publish.
This is an easy to do thing all you need to do is:
Step 1
To use the free keyword list builder, visit and visit the cool tools section.
Step 2
Here you will find a free tool that provides a list of keywords using the overture keyword inventory.
Step 3
Simply type in one, two or three words for an instant list of keywords or phrases with popularity statistics.
Step 4
For more information on keyword research, visit the link provided below, under the resources heading.
And that about does it :) if you need anymore information leave a comment and i will solve your query as soon as possible :)

Keywords and keyword phrases are the terms that are specifically implemented in website content. Certain keywords are chosen based on their search popularity, level of competition, and their estimated cost per click (CPC). Finding keywords for your content can be tough in the beginning, but once you learn where to look, it will become second nature. Read on to learn where and how to find keywords:
Step 1
Find the Right Keyword Tools
There are a myriad of keyword tools available to writers. Many are free, while some charge a fee, but most depend on the same source to compile their information: the Google AdWords Keyword Tool. Google has built one of the most informative tools for advertisers and publishers alike, and it's the best place to start looking for keywords. The tool is free to use, and you can find it by visiting the address below:
Step 2
Start With Topics You Know
Many writers make the mistake of selecting keywords based solely on their estimated CPC; while you should factor this into your final choice, it's not the best way to select keywords. Chances are, you know nothing about many of the high-paying keywords, and your visitors will know this when they read through your content. You want to offer your readers valuable content, and build a rapport with them to keep them coming back for more.
Enter one or two keywords into the search box at the top of the keyword tool and hit search. You'll receive a list of keywords related to your initial search terms, along with the current competition and the previous month's search volume (how many people searched for that specific term). Using the drop-down menu box, you can also select “Estimated Avg. CPC,” which will display the estimated cost per click for each term – how much you could potentially earn every time someone clicks on an advertisement for that keyword on your page or article. The goal is to choose a keyword with a higher search volume – 5,000 is the lowest you want to go – with limited competition, and with a high estimated CPC.
Step 3
Use Google Search to Find Keywords
You can also find keywords using Google's search engine, or test the popularity of the keywords you have selected. Visit Google's homepage to use their search engine – – and type in your keywords, one at a time. Google has a function that “completes” your possible search term, based on popularity. For example, if the keyword you enter is “shoes,” Google suggest terms like “shoes for crews” or “shoes on sale” in the drop-down box. Because these results are based on popularity, it's a great way to find potential keywords. You can check any keywords or phrases you find in the Google AdWords Keyword Tool to find that keyword's CPC, popularity, and search volume, to see if it's a good keyword to use in your writing.
More Keyword suggestion links and tools will be added soon :)

Yahoo search is another great search engine submission service that allows you to submit your articles to the yahoo search pages. This article will give you the exact steps for submitting your articles to the yahoo search engine.
Step 1
The first step to getting your articles submitted to the yahoo search engine is to go to the main yahoo home page and register a email account. If you already have a yahoo email account then you can sign in and then continue to the yahoo search website submission page. I included a direct link in the resources below this article.
Step 2
Next, once you are signed in, go to the yahoo search submission page that I provided and click on the "Submit a website or web page" link and a drop down will appear with a box where you can enter in the complete URL of your article. Go ahead and put your article URL in the box and click on the
Step 3
Once you submit the article you will be taken to submission status page where you will see that your article has been submitted. Click the back button on your browser and continue submitting your articles until you have submitted all of your articles to the yahoo search engine.

Google is by far one of the most searched search engine
services on the internet. This article will give you the steps to get your articles submitted to the google search engine so that people can find your articles within the google search results.
Things You'll Need:
- Google search engine submission tool.
Step 1
Go to the google website URL submission page to start submitting your articles to the google search engine. I included a direct link to the URL submission page in the resources section of this article.
Step 2
Once you are on the google URL submission web page, enter in the complete URL of the article that you want to submit to the google search engine.
Step 3
Next, there is a box for comments directly below the URL box, Put a few matching keywords to your article in this box.
Step 4
Next, you will see a character box. Enter in the letter characters exactly as shown in the box and click the "add URL button.
Step 5
Next, you will be directed to the submission status page that will let you know that your website or article URL was successfully submitted.
Step 6
Lastly, while you are on the submission status page, you will see a link on the left hand side of the page that says "submit your site". Click on that link to go back and submit another article URL. Keep repeating the steps until you have submitted all of your articles to the google search engine.
Submission information to many other search engine will also be posted soon :)

Submitting your articles, blogs or websites to free search engine
submission sites significantly increases your chances of getting your material seen and read by visitors. The more free search engines that you can submit to, the higher you increase your chances of making more money by getting your articles seen more. This specific article will give you step by step instructions for submitting your articles to the entire web search engine for free.
Things You'll Need:
- The search engine submission tool.
- Articles or blogs and websites
Step 1
The first step to submitting all of your articles to the entire web search engine is to go to the entire web search engine submission tool page at: I also included a direct link to this entire web search engine submission tool in the resources section below this article.
Step 2
Next, enter in your complete article URL into the specified box.
Step 3
Next, enter in your email address into the specified box and click the "submit" button.
Step 4
Next, you will be taken to a page where you will see that an email verification has been sent to your email address.
Step 5
Lastly, go to your email address and find the entire web submission confirmation email and click on the confirmation link. This will complete the process and add your article to the entire web search engine. To add the rest of your articles, go back to the main submission page and repeat the steps until you have submitted all of your articles to the entire web search engine.
Comments will be appreciated ^^
Google AdSense is a pay-per-click program developed by Google that allows webmasters to place ads on their site that are generated according to the content being presented. AdSense members are then paid a certain amount whenever a visitor clicks on their ad. Because earning the minimum $100 to cash out may take a while, there are several ways to help increase more revenue.
Now this service is a Serious thing so be careful of what kind of content you put on your website. Following are a few steps that will help you make the most of your website using google adsense for generating revenue from your website.
Coordinate Ads With Content
- Make sure that the text size and font color match the content of your site. For example, if your site's background is white and its text is black, the background and text of the ads should be white and black as well. This helps the ads blend into the content of your site, making it much easier for someone to click on an ad. If the ads are of a completely different color, they will stick out like a sore thumb and the visitor will pass over them without a thought. Because everyone hates huge in-your-face ads, the best way is to camouflage them so that they do not even appear to be ads in the first place.
Increase Traffic
- Because the average person does not click on ads, it is of utmost importance to drive massive traffic to your site. Without traffic, you simply will make little or no money. Getting a few hits a day will not do the trick. In order for AdSense to be effective, you must have hundreds and even thousands of visitors stopping by your site a day. One way to do this is by promoting your content on social networking sites such as Twitter, Digg and Delicious. There must be an ample amount of back links pointing to your site. Comment on blogs and send emails. Do whatever it takes to drive traffic without creating spam.
- Utilize search engine optimization (SEO). The ads generated by AdSense are a direct reflection of the content on your site. Therefore, if the theme of your article is learning how to focus, you may get several ads dealing with the Ford Focus car. In order to eliminate this problem, you must use words that only relate to the message that you are trying to present. Ads also pay according to how popular the content is. Financial help and Web development ads will pay more than cooking ads. If you are experiencing little pay because of your content, maybe think about hosting several websites that deal with a variety of topics. Finding a niche topic that not too many people have written about is a great way to earn revenue.
Thoughts and comments will always be appreciated.
Using online search engines be a great way to learn about many things. You can look on the internet to search for jobs, learn new recipes, exchange thoughts about recent episodes of television series or read the latest edition of an international newspaper. Before you sit down in front of a computer and begin it is important to understand how to use the net effectively. Here are some tips to get you started and make the searching process flow more smoothly.
Step 1
Use broad based search engines. A search engine is a method of finding the websites that you want or need. In order to get to a web page one must know the address of the web page. Often this is a string of letters and numbers that you may not know. A search engine can find this information for you. There are many popular search engines. Start with google. Google is the one of the most comprehensive search engines on the web. To use google pull up the address of the website listed at the bottom of this page. Type in the name of the information you want such as New York City restaurants. Once this information has been entered various websites will appear in the search engine.
Step 2
Use more specifically focused search engines. Using a broad based search engine may not yield the information you desire. Choose a more narrowly based search engine instead. For example if you are searching for medical information choose a search engine that specifically focuses on medicine and science such as Pogofrog allows users to type in a certain word or phrase. They are then given results that have only sources from medical information. Other websites (such as sites dedicated to travel or business) are filtered out of the results. This can save you time and energy by avoiding sites that will not meet your needs.
Step 3
Use keywords and Boolean algebra properly. If you throw a broad based term into a search engine you may be confronted with results that number of in the millions. Find specific information by correctly narrowing your search term. One method of narrowing your search is to use two words and the word and to link them. For example if you are looking for Siamese cats and kittens, it is best to type the words, “Siamese cats and kittens,” rather than just Siamese cats. The search will only bring up pages that contain all three words. Another way to reduce results shown is to type the word not in front of the word. A word may have multiple meanings. This can narrow the search to only one meaning. For example if you are looking for information about Washington state type the words, “Washington not d.c.” This will bring up results only related to the state. Websites with references to the capital will be excluded.
Your Thoughts and Comments Are Welcomed ^^
If you are involved in affiliate marketing, or would like to get started in affiliate marketing, following is a way to dramatically increase your affiliate commissions using a simple website. This is a very simple concept and can be used for a number of programs.
Things You'll Need:
- A Domain Name
- Web Hosting
- Affiliate Programs
Step 1
To get started, you will need to determine what types of affilate programs and products you will be promoting. This is very important as your domain name should relate to your affiliate programs. It's best to start with affiliate programs that relate to a subject you are interested in, and have knowledge about. Sign up for 6 related programs/products, read all of the information provide on the affiliate site to become familiar with the package/product, then copy and paste your affiliate links to your notepad and save to your desktop.
Step 2
The next step will be to register a domain name (a link to low-cost domains has been provided below, under the Resources heading). Choosing a domain name that reflects the products and services offered is very important. For instance, if you are promoting pet products, a good example of a domain name would be ''.
Step 3
You will then need to set-up hosting for your website. This is usually available from the site in which you purchased your domain name, such as godaddy, etc. Sign-up for a minimum of 1 year to get the best priced packages.
Step 4
From here, you will need to create a website that features the 6 affiliate products. This is easily done by doing short reviews on each product. Use a photo and a short paragraph with a link to the affiliate site.
Step 5
Begin marketing your new website. This can be done in a number of ways, from free classifieds to paid banners and PPC promotions. Once you have got the system down, you can begin to add additional products to your website or start new ones.
Step 6
For information on finding the cheapest domain names, low-cost hosting and easy-to-use website builders, visit the link below, under the Resources heading, titled 'Creating A Website'.
Have you been hearing all the buzz and the stories about people making tons of money with affiliate marketing? It is harder than most think and is not a get rich quick program. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money over time and can generate a decent income.
Step 1
First step is to have somewhere to place affiliate marketing links. Affiliate marketing pays you when someone either clicks through your links or buys something through them. Ehow is a great place to place your links in the resource section or build a website or a blog. When your traffic builds so will your sales.
Step 2
Programs. How do I join affiliate link programs? Some of the easier ones to join are Linkshare, Commision Junction, Clickbank, and you can also monetize your blog easily at Blogger with Google Ad Words. But don't expect sales overnight. Your clicks will be based on your web traffic.
Step 3
Independent programs. You can also join your favorite websites programs. Look for links that say Affiliate Program. Many of the people that do this keep a spreadsheet to track what programs they are involved in. Your site may already have great traffic for web design - sign up for affiliates that are related to your site.
You will also want to keep the ads reasonable. Most visitors are turned off by pages of ads
Also make sure you a have a paypal, alertpay, liberty reserve and moneybookers account to get quick payments.
This guide will continue as i myself gain more knowledge about it :) comments and feedback is welcomed ^_^
Things You'll Need:
- A computer
- Domain name (web address)
- Hosting service
- Good/Interesting content
- Patience
Step 1
Think of a few possibilities:
First you will need to think of a domain name (web address) for your blog. This name "should" give people an idea of what your blog is about. For example if you are a photographer and your name is Susan, you might want Once you think of some ideas it is time to check to see if they are available.

Perform some research and pick what is best for you and your expected needs Finding the proper hosting service is the second step. You will need to examine the different packages including the amount of disk space, bandwidth, databases, etc. Does the company have a good reputation with good customer service and technical support? You can perform some research before you decide. Once you decide on the service and package, you will generally be given the opportunity to check for the domain name(s) you chose. As stated in step 1, have a few domain choices as some may already be taken or expensive to purchase.
Step 3
Now you have to think about which blogging platform will you use. There are many out there, each with its advantages and disadvantages. I personally like WordPress for its ease of installation and use. WordPress offers many themes, widgets and plugins to choose from. Which ever you choose, please choose wisely.

Quality Quality Quality
Now that you are up and running. Start providing content. Blog about something you know a lot about or something that inspires you or motivates you. For now, just worry about posting quality content for a while (at least several months). Join blogging forums to see what others or doing, share ideas, receive tips and tricks. Get yourself familiar with the blog culture.
Step 5
Once you have several months of quality content and some serious traffic, you should consider placing advertising and/or affiliate links on your site. Google Adsense, Chikita, Kontera use your post's or site's content to generate products that relate to the content. Amazon has an affiliate program which is free to join and they allow you to pick and choose which products you would like to advertise. Depending on which service you employ, payment may be based on clicks per ad and/or purchasing through the link you provided. Some advertising or affiliate site have requirements and others do not so be sure to read the Terms and Conditions.
DO NOT expect to make money over night. It takes time to develop your style and your audience. If you keep at it, chances are the people will come and if the people come, chances are you can make money!
What Is Electronic Tagging?
- Electronic tagging, or ET, is the process of attaching a device to something to track its location and status. The device can come in several forms: bracelet, anklet, dog tag, or microchip. ET is most commonly used in farming to track livestock and other animals. It can also be used to track people, usually by police, for criminals under house arrest. The device's functionality is based around the use of GPS and RFID (radio frequency identification).
How Tagging Works: GPS
- Electronic tagging works based on two types of networks: GPS and RFID. GPS, which is similar to the GPS in automobiles, uses satellites to triangulate the position of the tag. The satellite relays information on the coordinates of the tag to the tag's owner. Devices using this type of network use a single-chip-based system that works to broadcast or transmit the data to the satellite. In regard to anklet- or bracelet-style tags, the device broadcasts to a central hub, which is then connected to a phone line and transmits the data to the owner.
How Does Tagging Work: RFID
- Another method is RFID (radio frequency identification). Unlike the chip-based GPS, these units can come in several forms (usually a compact circuit). RFID tags have two components: (1) an integrated circuit for processing the tags information and (2) an antenna for receiving and broadcasting information. Because of the limited technology required for their function, the tags can be almost any size. In livestock and cattle, an implant is inserted into the animal's tissue; this protects the tag from damage or loss.
Increase traffic to your blog, make money blogging, increase your ad revenue, get your blog ranked higher on google, etc., are all things that this how-to is designed to teach you.
Step 1
The first thing I always tell people who ask me how they can boost traffic to their blog is to stop trying so hard. That's right, increasing traffic to your blog is almost a side effect of blogging about the things that really interest you, not the things that you think are going to garner the most visitors. If you are truly interested and and passionate about the things you are blogging about, you'll write truly unique and interesting content, and you'll enjoy updating your blog and you'll find yourself adding content more regularly which, in turn, will bring more traffic to your blog. Take the time you spend searching the internet for "ways to increase traffic to my blog" and use that time to continually update your blog with new content and you'll start to see an increase in traffic to your blog.
Step 2
If you really want to boost traffic to your blog, you should choose a particular topic that you want to blog about and make that topic your primary focus. For instance, if you are passionate about "photograph", you should focus on photography. It's ok to talk about different aspects of photography such as: cameras , image editing software, lenses, accessories, etc., but you should try to focus on topics that relate to cameras. The more information you have on your site about cameras, the higher search engines will rank your blog or search terms that relate to cameras. I should also stress that you want unique and original content, and you should update your blog daily for optimal results. You are on your way to boosting traffic to your blog...
Step 3
Another great way to bring more traffic to your blog is to play an active role in the online community of things you are blogging about. Connect with other bloggers that blog about the same sorts of things that interest you. Engage in conversations with them about your areas of interest. Posting interesting and informative comments on other blogs related to yours is a sure fire way to get a quick boost in traffic to your blog. People will want to visit your site for more useful information about that particular topic and if you have followed the first two steps in this how to, you'll be well on your way to boosting the traffic to your blog
These are the best ways to increase traffic without having to buy it and you can get best exposure on just a couple hours of work ^_^
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